Utilising pure Organic or Wildcrafted Essential Oils sourced from reputable distillers worldwide.
Based on advanced clinical studies overseas exploring the chemistry of essential oils and all interfaces of application.
Acknowledging the importance of treating the unique individual, physically, mentally, emotionally.
By appointment only.
Annie’s paper 'The power of Aromatherapy Massage to nurture resilience; a personal perspective' [IJCA 2021] is available to read on her media page.
Her book 'The Personalised Conversation in Aromatherapy: A Practitioner Guide' published by Singing Dragon is due for release March 2025
Allow 30 minutes | $60.00
Essential oils are used in combination with massage and potent acupressure points to relieve stress and tension in the head, neck, shoulders and face
A delicious treatments for the relief of headaches, anxiety and fatigue
Take home bottle of Aromatic Smelling Salts