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This massage oil has been formulated for use during long haul air travel to help relieve the effects of swollen, painful legs and adrenal stress.




    Carrier oil.

    Sweet Almond OilPrunus amygdalus; used as far back as Roman times, highly nutritious, moisturising, emollient.

    Essential Oils.

    Cypress, Cupressus sempervirens; the astringent or tissue tightening quality of cypress accounts for its use in circulatory stagnation. Renowned for its ability to move fluids, both blood and lymph, it can help relieve the pain of varicose veins. Known as a 'terrain' remedy in France it supports the health of the whole body encouraging a return to homeostasis. A great rebalancer and nervine for those who are weary.

    Spruce BlackPicea mariana; a beautiful aromatic oil distilled from Canadian trees. Has unique immune stimulating qualities. Research on its chemistry indicates it is a powerful antiinflammatory, antispasmodic and adrenal support.

    LemonCitrus limon; has a strong ability to decongest and detoxify because of its astringent action which helps move lymphatic fluid. An excellent tonic also for the circulatory system making it appropriate for use with varicose veins and oedema particularly when used in conjunction with cypress. Research has shown its ability to enhance the activity of white blood cells making it a potent immune system support. A great antiseptic.

    FragoniaAgonis fragrans; a stunning Australian essential oil and chemically one of the most balanced. Noted as a good pain reliever for muscles and joints. A mental/emotional harmoniser, antiinfectious and has been found useful in helping to combat jetlag.

    Lavender true, Lavandula angustifolia; has an outstanding ability to balance and calm the Central Nervous System. Soothing, antispasmodic and analgesic for tight sore muscles.

    INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Massage a little of the oil on to feet, legs and lower back before travelling and regularly during the flight. Work gently from the feet upwards using long flowing strokes and over the adrenal area on the lower back.

    SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: Suitable for adults, and children over the age of 10 years.Store in a cool dark place. Keep out of the reach of children. Any adverse reaction or sensitivity, discontinue use and seek advice from a qualified Clinical Aromatherapist. This product is not intended as a treatment for any disease or as a replacement for medications.

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