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To aid in the relief and healing of broken bones, sprains, bruises, arthritis, muscular pain and inflammation.


To make this salve I infuse my own comfrey oil for six weeks over the summer, therefore supply is seasonal and limited





    Comfrey Infused Oil, Symphytum officinale; traditionally called “knitbone”; contains allantoin which aids in the regeneration of all tissues in the body. The mechanism for this seems to be its ability to encourage fibroblasts to produce connective tissue, cartilage, bone and even neural cells. Allantoin also promotes keratin dispersal and has had some effectiveness in the topical treatment of psoriasis. Comfrey contains other constituents which improve its healing effect; these are mucilages which help soothe inflamed skin tissue, tannins which help to contract and form a  seal over damaged skin, gums and resins which also aid in tissue repair. [Nasr, J Avicenna Herbs]

    Tamanu Oil, Calophyllum Inophyllum; expressed from the dried nuts of the calophyllum tree found in tropical areas of the South Pacific and Indian Oceans.Rich in various aromatic compounds and unusual fatty acids, it is renowned for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and skin healing properties.

    Arnica Infused Oil, Arnica Montana; anti-inflammatory, analgesic. Excellent for injury trauma, bruising, rheumatic pain, strained muscles and swelling.

    Calendula Infused Oil, Calendula officinalis; traditionally used in the treatment of skin ailments because of its moisturising, anti-inflammatory and vulnerary properties. Works well in conjunction with St John’s Wort oil.

    St. John’s Wort, Hypericum perforatum; macerated oil, anti-inflammatory, cooling to inflamed nerves. Effective on sprains, bruises, wounds and burns.

    Beeswax, Apis mellifera.

    Essential Oils

    Helichrysum, Helichrysum italicum; “the most important oil for athletes---a superior wound-healing agent with pronounced bruise-resolving, pain-reducing, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, anti-arthritic properties”[Crow,]

    Kunzea, Kunzea ambigua; TGA approved in Australia [AUSTL 72143] for the relief of muscular aches and  pains, nervous tension, stress and anxiety. Highly anti-inflammatory due to its unique combination of 5 sesquiterpene compounds.

    Plai, Zingiber cassumunar; a member of the ginger family widely used in Thailand to treat joint and muscle pain. A potent, cooling anti-inflammatory and exceptional pain reliever.

    Lavender True, Lavandula angustifolia; antiseptic, analgesic, calming to the CNS. Excellent for muscular pain, headaches, shock.

    Juniper Berry, Juniperus communis; the ultimate detoxifier, traditionally used for muscle and joint pain because of its analgesic, rubefacient and depurative qualities. Well known as a diuretic and lymphatic decongestant. Warming, invigorating, rids the body of cold dampness.

    Peppermint, Mentha x piperita; champion “first aid” essence, anesthetic, antispasmodic. Serves acute painful conditions of muscles, joints, nerves. Mentally stimulating.

    Amiox; a unique rosemary extract from Essential Therapeutics; a potent antioxidant.

    INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Apply to painful areas as needed.

    SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: Keep out of the reach of young children. Any adverse reaction or sensitivity, discontinue use and seek advice from a qualified Clinical Aromatherapist. This product is not intended as a treatment for any disease or as a replacement for medications.

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